Body Medium ….. Wheatgrass the most Alkaline food

Body Medium ….. Wheatgrass the most Alkaline food


     Our body is one of the so many blessings of God.

Have you thought ..... pH of our body varies, blood is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.35 to 7.45, whereas stomach is acidic and the key is to strike a balance. The trend that is viral about drinking alkaline water is on the high. Water itself is alkaline so why over-do.

Alkalizing your body means decreasing the consumption of acid forming foods such as, caffeine, meat, alcohol, refined sugars, wheat, dairy products and oil n spices (in excess). Alkalizing your body also means alkalising your feelings, thoughts and action towards a peaceful scale. Pleasurable exercise, engaging in calming activities, massages etc works wonders to remove acid waste.

Some of the rich Alkaline foods …. Wheatgrass , Broccoli , lettuce , spinach , coconut & coconut water,  watermelon ,  bananas , cucumbers are just a few to name, indulge in these blessed foods & free yourself from acidity related issues. Wheatgrass is the most alkaline forming food on earth. 

A body that gradually becomes very acidic also gradually develops diseases. An acidic body will always be low on energy levels & have a weakened immune system.

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