Enzymes and Wheatgrass

Enzymes and Wheatgrass



       As we age, the enzyme concentration in our body gradually decreases. The older we get…. the higher is the body’s demand for enzymes. Elderly people have lost about 70% of the enzyme concentration .

       Further aging means…..... ‘enzyme exhaustion’ and thus the need to pour in external natural enzymes.

Reduction in enzyme Availability means 2 things 


2 .Reduced absorption of nutrients from the food we eat.

You might be eating a balanced diet, yet you may be nutrient deficient , because of lack of enzymes the nutrients are not being absorbed.

Wheatgrass juice is a potent source of exogenous enzymes and does wonders to detoxify the body.


Lack of enzyme and nutritional imbalance is the cause of the following health problems.

Premature aging

/ Low Energy levels

/ Acidity

/ Constipation

/ Stress and anxiety

/ Gain in weight

/ Premature greying of hair

/ Alzheimer’s

/ so many other diseases

"Start  drinking  your  wheatgrass  juice  today" 

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