Black Garlic by Deeba's Parvaa

   Our Aged Black Garlic is hand picked Indian raw garlic, that has been allowed to age with love & care and made bioavailable to our body. The raw garlic is cured under controlled temperature and humidity for a period of 90 days, and as the Black Garlic takes its form it is peeled for convenience. The Sweet Umami flavor & a pleasant smell is what is catching attention.
Aged Black Garlic offers a number of health benefits that may outweigh those of raw garlic. It contains Vitamin C, B(B1, B2,B3, B6), Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc & Iron.

Health Benefits:

1. Antioxidant properties

High antioxidants in Black Garlic can help regulate Blood sugar. Reduction in blood sugar helps prevent serious health issues such as Diabetes, kidney dysfunction and many other diseases.

2. Regulates Blood Pressure:

Aged Black Garlic contains a compound Allicin that may prevent the production of angiotensin II, a compound responsible for increasing blood pressure. Aged Black Garlic may help reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. In some researches, black garlic supplements may work as effectively as standard blood-pressure-lowering medications, with no side effects. Aged Black Garlic contains a number of bioactive compounds that are tested n scientifically proven to be beneficial for lowering blood pressure & effective for people with moderate hypertension. 

3. Protects Heart Health

Treatment with an extract of AGED BLACK GARLIC resulted in metabolic improvements such as lowering cholesterol n triglycerides, which in turn reduces risk of heart diseases. Researches showed that Aged Black Garlic increased HDL and reduced potential heart disease markers.

4. Helps fight Cancer:

Many studies have shown that the antioxidant property of Aged Black Garlic can help fight Cancer. One study shows that it could help fight Colon Cancer compounds  & block the free radicals, reduces cell damage and help limit the growth and potential spread of Cancer cells in the body. It was found that black garlic caused cancer cells to start dying off in human colon and stomach cancers, as well as in leukemia patients. It also reduced the growth of these cancer cells (22Trusted Source)

5. Brain Health:

Studies have shown that the antioxidant property in Aged Black Garlic reduces inflammation in the body and prevents from severe cognitive conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. It may help improve memory.

6. Boosts Immunity:
The antioxidants developed as a result of aging of garlic, fight free radicals and protects cells against  oxidative stress and thus boost immunity. Allicin, the compound in garlic is converted into antioxidant compounds like alkaloids and flavonoids . Antioxidants make a healthy immune system thus the body will be able to fight infections, viruses and bacteria more effectively.

7. Liver Health:
Some research show that it helps lower markers of liver injury following liver damage, decrease fatty deposits and rebalances liver cell size. A study found that black garlic improved liver function in the case of chronic alcohol-induced liver damage, likely through its antioxidant activity (27Trusted Source).
Aged black garlic decreased levels of ALT and AST, two chemicals in the blood that indicate liver damage .

Here are some of the ways you can use black garlic:

.Eat 3-4 cloves of Black garlic every morning on an empty stomach.
.Add it with soy sauce to make a flavorful stir fry.
.Use it to season soups.
.Mash it into cheese dip or cream cheese.
.Blend it in vegetables to make delicious sandwiches.
. slice cloves and add them to salads or pasta dishes.
.Mash them with olive oil to make a simple salad dressing.

Use it the way you choose to….. but consume it everyday.

Aged Black Garlic boosts higher concentrations of antioxidants, nutrients and other compounds, which enhances it’s health benefits. However, the compound known as allicin is reduced in the process but whatever amount is left of allicin is more bioavailable. Black garlic has a pleasant smell compared to  raw garlic, so you won’t find people running away. It does not produce any gas and discomfort on consumption if eaten in permissible limits. Moderation is the key to success.


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