Kefir Milk : The best Probiotic to boost immunity & prevent against COVID

Kefir Milk : The best Probiotic to boost immunity & prevent against COVID

I’m Deeba Arif, a Wheatgrass & Probiotics Specialist, at Parvaa. A few days back I tumbled upon a research which said that Kefir has remarkable anti viral properties… and I realized that our Kefir was such an amazing food. This forced me to research further.

Read ahead to understand why…

Kefir milk best Antiviral Probiotic

Indian kefir grains are high in quality and make wonderful kefir. Kefir milk , water kefir, coconut milk and coconut water kefir are a few options. It is not a new invention, but traced back to 4000 years of treatment to every ailment and preventive measure as anti viral and anti bacterial .

Protective supplement against viral infections – even Corona Virus

Several scholars across the world have tested antiviral drugs and compounds to overcome COVID-19. One of such products is kefir. A team of researchers at Saudi Arabia, did a study based evaluation after providing Kefir to a no. of healthy people and following is their declaration:

Kefir’s probiotic contents can modulate the immune system to suppress infections from viruses (e.g. Zika, hepatitis C, influenza, rotaviruses). kefir has antiviral (this is what is important right now as we are under a VIRAL ATTACK), antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory potential. In addition, research has proved it to be extremely helpful in Colon cancer, breast cancer, Skin cancer, leukemia and its great impact on reducing blood pressure. known to accelerate wound healing, suppress growth of tumors and its alterations in the immune system to improve asthma and allergies.

Kefir is a true probiotic

Kefir can survive the high acidic pH in the stomach and pass to the intestines to make colonies and become residential. This means more good bacteria as mentioned in previous article….”Probiotics – The Good guys and the bad guys“.

Milk turning to Kefir is a result of lactic acid bacteria, that make lactic acid, which is the main source to ferment foods naturally. Lactic acid bacteria helps improve the immune functions which in turn helps prevent infections such as cold and flu, weakness n illness. Absorption of nutrients is at its maximum when gut is ruled by these bacteria. The most common bacterial genera in kefir grains and milk are Lactococcus, Streptococcus, Lactococcus lactis subspecies lactis, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, L. helveticus, L. Casei subspecies pseudo plantarum, L. kefiri, L. Kefiranofaciens, L. brevis and Streptococcus thermophiles, which account for about 50–90 % of the microbial population. The so-called probiotics like curd and yogurt are not even considered true probiotics, as the bacteria cannot survive in the high acidic pH of the stomach.

Tricking the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) with kefir

The nutritional importance of kefir is based on its enrichment with various biomolecules e.g., minerals,  proteins, peptides, vitamins, fats, sugars and carbohydrates; elements in high concentrations such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and low concentrations such as zinc, copper, iron as well as essential amino acids. Peptide’s biomolecules are short strings of amino acid that are capable of easier absorption than proteins. As compared to milk, Kefir has 4fold peptides.  Peptides have remarkable ability to destroy cancer cells (all types of cancers). The most recent study at Ohio State University is all about “Tricking the Corona virus with peptides.” Kefir’s protective measures are its peptides, which make it shine. Its components have important roles in improving immunomodulation, digestion, metabolism, energy balance, healing.

Immunity booster.

Researchers further reported that kefiran-containing amino acids extend the healthy lifespan of older people and improve the mental status of patients with severe traumatic brain injury. Not one, but several scholars around the world (please refer sources) have discussed the influence of kefir on the immune system. It was declared that antiviral activity of Bifidobacterium breve upon oral administration of kefir worked very well against influenza viruses. It also protected the lower respiratory tract from viral infection and the population of nasal pathogens reduced after consumption of kefir milk. As a matter of fact, the efficacy of dairy kefir as an immune-system enhancer is many times more as against water and coconut kefir.

A strong relationship between human nutrition, the immune system and their role in the occurrence, development and suppression of infectious diseases seems to be an interesting concept for seeking products that enhance the immune system. After knowing so much, they might be applied as antiviral and anticancer agents. Since ages, researches are being done on mice. Pandemic 2021… we are the mice. The new vaccine is not a sure shot  ….but experiments are on (on us)

Along the lines of declaration, I would like to say…

I take pleasure to inform that my family and friends and those associated with us at Parvaã are satisfied and glad to be consuming kefir, Renewlac and Wheatgrass. We at Parvaa realize that covid safety protocol along with all the healthy diet, raw food, Wheatgrass, kefir,  Renewlac, probiotic vegetables and of course lifestyle management is what is keeping us safe.

We want to extend our very best wishes and our therapeutic products to all our friends in these difficult times. Feel free to call me for your Kefir Soldier.

May God’s blessings and healing come your way.

Sources :





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