Sugar and Wheatgrass and Cancer

Sugar and Wheatgrass and Cancer


‘Sugar is food for the Cancer cells.’……Say many researchers.

To prove this they bring your focus towards the PET scan which is the most accurate and efficient tool for detecting the growth of Cancer cells. PET scan is the process of using radioactively labelled glucose to mark the sugar hungry tumor cells. Upon drinking the sugar water it is taken up by the hungry Cancer cells which light up and show their location.

Whereas ‘Wheatgrass juice is death of the Cancer cells’…. Says American Cancer institute & Hippocrates Health Institute, Florida. Cancer cells do not thrive in an oxygenated and an alkaline body medium. According to the Hippocrates, institute, wheatgrass is oxygen transfusion to the body, Hence Cancer cells get troubled and upon receiving repeated oxygenated wheatgrass shots, the Cancer cells gradually perish or die. Regular consumption of wheatgrass along with other healthy food choices prohibits tumor & cancer cells to form.

Sharing the blessings of Wheatgrass was my take, accepting my offer and benefiting is your call 👍.

It’s best to quit sugar 😎.

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