“Value of Greens in Our life”….my story

“Value of Greens in Our life”….my story

Hippocrates Health Institute at West Palm Beach, Florida, USA, in somewhere around 1930 under their founder Ms. Ann Wigmore discovered the power of Greens, raw & fresh foods. In particular, they observed the power of Wheatgrass that was found to provide optimum Nutrition & would even taste good. The reason behind their value as a superfood is the presence of calculated amount of Chlorophyll which improves the blood quality, allows  better intake of Oxygen by the cells of the body and makes the body stronger in terms of fighting against infections and diseases. It takes care of lifestyle diseases and above all Cancer.

Wheatgrass….. the king of all the greens, is packed with so many nutrients that it takes care of all the organs of the body along with the well-being of the soul & mind……..and ultimately happiness.

Wheatgrass is a gluten-free sapling grown from the wheat berries of Triticum Aestivum. Freshly extracted wheatgrass juice, that has been extracted in a masticating wheatgrass juicer (that has been grown indoors in healthy conditions without insecticides and pesticides) will have ultimate benefits.

The juice definitely has an acquired taste but very sweet. It contains more than 90 elements (that come from soil and air), it is the richest source of Vitamin”A” & “C”, is rich in Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium, Sulphur, Sodium, Cobalt, Zinc and even Selenium. Hippocrates Institute  claim of Wheatgrass having an abundance of vitamin B17, a substance that is believed to destroy Cancer cells selectively. In addition, it also contains Vitamin E & K and has Antioxidant properties. Wheatgrass is so rich in live Oxygen, that a shot of Wheatgrass is called “Oxygen transfusion” to the body.

The University of Texas concluded that wheatgrass juice is exceptional in its Chlorophyll content and labeled it the Natures greatest HealerChlorophyll is Bio-chemically similar to human blood and thus supports purifying the blood, improves the Haemoglobin and reduces damage caused by free radical. This powerful green juice suppresses unfriendly Bacterial growth and removes “Toxins”. It also helps to purify Liver and aids digestion.

As the juice activates all the Organs, it creates an environment in the body where all organs start functioning at their best. Researches claim that weight loss is observed with regular use of wheatgrass juice, but, it is not only weight loss, it is also weight gain for those who are underweight as it regulates all the organs and makes them absorb the nutrients at the maximum. There is so much to what wheatgrass can do for us that it makes me tired writing it all down 

At the jointing stage, the wheatgrass is at its best nutrient value. This is the time when it should be harvested. It is best to consume 1 Ounce (28ml) to begin with, preferably on an empty stomach, there after your wheatgrass specialist could guide you.

So getting back to what this amazing Wheatgrass juice can do for you if consumed as per the guidelines…….It has the ability to refine and renew the cells and repair tissues. Not only internally, but it has a soothing effect on Itching skin, insect bites, eczema, any other growth on the skin and Sun burns. A wheatgrass “Poultice” on the wounds, which acts as a natural , heals the wound faster  and gradually help diminish scar.

Ann Wigmore, the founder of wheatgrass was said to be improving on health with showing anti-aging effects. She was dedicated to the regular use and had faith in the blessings of wheatgrass.

One remarkable thing that I experienced with my female users was the extreme reduction in Gynecological problems. 50 ml of wheatgrass extract helps keep the uterus in shape, the fallopian tubes from blocking and the ovaries from developing cysts and tumors,  PCOD is taken care of and uti and infections disappeared. Wheatgrass being alkaline maintains the medium of the cervix, thus a boost to fertility. A Wheatgrass douche(net search to understand) helps in many other feminine complications.

I was an athlete and a basketball player and because of extreme workout every day without break….it left me with a lot of Gynecological problems. Cyst formation followed by an  antibiotic course was a regular pattern and it became recurrent. One reason today I am penning down the beauty of wheatgrass is my own faith. I remember the day, 2012 March, when I started growing wheatgrass to help my son’s friend detected having Cancer of thigh bone at age of 13. We too started consuming wheatgrass and it was that day and today, by the Grace of Almighty, my family haven’t been on any kind of medication. The two of us are on our toes the entire day and fatigue is one word out of our life.

As a sports person the energy I had was always high, but after my routine exercises, I would have to bear cramps in my calf muscles. Today I tell people about the reason why many athletes and Cancer patients suffer from cramps .The experience of drinking wheatgrass juice has been a blessing for my husband and me.

It was only Cancer patients pouring in and I was gaining more and more experience about the various types of Cancers. But while delivering talks to people, friends & family I was always apprehensive about answering the questions whether wheatgrass could take care of thyroid, arthritis & many other problems that commonly prevail. I was never confident in answering and wanted more of research. It was by chance that I happen to meet Cancer patients who were unfortunately also suffering from thyroid. Many of them wouldn’t even mention any other problem other than cancer and it’s pain, and problem related to cancer and cancer alone. After 15-20 days of regular use of wheatgrass when patients review was done to get an update & accordingly advise changes in their dose of wheatgrass, they would mention an improvement in problems such as thyroid or diabetes and eventually giving me an understanding that wheatgrass was doing wonders for all the organs. It along with helping and combating the side effects of chemotherapy was also providing exogenous enzymes to the organs thus regulating their working and improving their functions. My confidence elevated as more research related to wheatgrass and thyroid. This also draws our attention towards the fact, that wheatgrass took care of the detoxification of the liver as without that the conversion of T4 into T3 was slow. Metabolism improved and the absorption of nutrients automatically improved. The second and most prominent obvious improvement that showed it’s face was a spike in the energy levels. People suffering from hypothyroidism also suffer a problem that comes for free….. Lethargy. This free associated problem is the reason for extreme weight gain thus an extreme reduction in confidence level. These patients are also deficient in Selenium and Vitamin D as part of the disease . Wheatgrass has a rich amount of Selenium and  Chlorophyll that acts as the key nutrient in absorbing Vitamin D from Sun’s rays. I am so glad to declare that I have served so many thyroid patients whose blessings keep me going on as they seem to notice remarkable improvements in their overall performance.

A big thanks to wheatgrass as it’s miraculous benefits seem to cure, heal & treat so many people. I am thankful to God  more than ever before, when people observe reduction in their medication along with improved health…….. that’s my reward.

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