About Us

What does Parvaã do?

"Let Food be Thy Medicine"
Parvaã focuses on healing through food. A superfood, Parvaã's Wheatgrass is organically grown in controlled conditions indoors with drinking water (not chlorinated), without any additives or fertilisers and provides it in the form of fresh cuts as well as cold-pressed wheatgrass shots to all health-conscious & suffering individuals. Deeba’s Parvaã also cultures live bacteria to ferment vegetables like Kimchi, Beet sauerkraut, Carrot julienne and Salsa, thereby making naturally occurring probiotics, not pasteurised & free from stabilizers. These probiotics are also available in many forms, including Renewlac, Kefir milk, and Fruit bubbles, all having different strains of good bacteria, each one of them beneficial in a different way. Parvaã’s founder, Mrs. Deeba Arif, has mastered the art of making extremely high quality black garlic, sweet and umami flavoured, with all the benefits of garlic but better bioavailable. Garlic is proven to help reduce blood pressure.

How does Parvaã handle diseases?

      Mrs. Deeba Arif requires health and blood test reports of patients to create an in-depth plan for every patient so that their specific needs can be met. For example, Parvaã uses wheatgrass to tackle low haemoglobin issues thereby increasing energy levels. Approximately a month of regularly consuming wheatgrass shots results in an increase of 1 gm/dl of haemoglobin. This is how continuous consumption leads to optimum haemoglobin levels.
Doses are varied depending on the kind of disease and the requirements. Where a cancer patient would need 100-120 ml of freshly extracted Parvaã’s wheatgrass juice, a diabetic patient may only require half of that, and a healthy person on his journey to preventing diseases may only benefit from 40 ml of Parvaã’s wheatgrass juice per day.

Parvaã’s wheatgrass is super sweet as it is loaded with vitamins. Wheatgrass contains 40-70% chlorophyll. Percentage of chlorophyll is monitored as different patients need different amount of chlorophyll. Wheatgrass is an excellent blood builder. Its daily consumption helps haemoglobin levels come to normal within days. It has anti-oxidant properties which help in strengthening and repairing cells. It prevents cancer cells from growing in healthy bodies. It is very beneficial for cancer patients as it helps reduce the oxidative stress. Wheatgrass extract dissolves the fatty deposits in the liver and is a strong alkaline forming food, helping in  controlling acidity. Wheatgrass also helps in clearing cardiovascular congestion. Post-exercise, wheatgrass juice helps prevent cramps by reducing the oxidative load. It has also been shown to restore fertility. Wheatgrass has been shown to also help with PCOD, and helps in weight regulation.

Your first week with Parvaã starts with preparing your body with probiotics to declutter and unclog your gut. This allows the semi-permeable membrane of your cells to be in a position to absorb nutrients effectively. This makes the body ready to be fed with nutrient-rich enzyme enabled wheatgrass juice.

Similarly, while handling a patient suffering from diabetes, Parvaã works on cleaning the gut with probiotics, feeding wheatgrass to create a live environment inside the body, and providing the body with prebiotics to feed good bacteria and create colonies. A diabetic is always deficient in Potassium. Parvaã’s Beet Sticks/Sauerkraut are high in Potassium and low in carbohydrates by virtue of being fermented. They are rich in other micro-nutrients, and are very easily bio-available to the body. Fermented Beet is the best version of beetroot. Since it is not cooked, no vitamins are lost. Since it is not raw, cell walls are burst open and nutrients are released more effectively. Parvaã’s Banana-Cinnamon Kefir Milk is a great option for diabetics, not only as a probiotic but also because banana is high in Potassium, cinnamon has been proven to be a glycaemic-lowering compound, and kefir inoculated milk is an excellent recipe for lowering blood sugar levels. The fructose of a banana also helps in multiplication of good bacteria, becoming unavailable as a source of sugar to the body and instead reserved only for the bacteria. Researches have also proved kefir to be an HBA1C lowering food.
A powerful probiotic balances gut microflora and helps in aiding digestion. Probiotics are rich in fibre, supporting weight reduction. Probiotics are also rich in Vitamins C and E, as they reduce bad cholesterol, they help in avoiding heart diseases. Among these various benefits, probiotics even have anti-oxidant properties, regulating blood sugar and reducing inflammation. Their remarkable property of cleansing the colon is the key to reducing our risk of colon cancer.
Parvaã’s Black Garlic is another such product which has immeasurable benefits that arise after curing it for 100 days. It helps in regulating blood pressure, protecting heart health, controlling blood sugar levels & reducing inflammation. Black garlic also improves liver and brain health, boosts immunity, and therefore has anti-aging properties.

What is the Process?

Mrs. Deeba Arif creates tailor-made plans considering blood test reports, with in-depth guidance on which foods NOT to consume, helping people in understanding their deficiencies and preventing diseases. She provides specific guidance on how to incorporate cold-pressed oils, phytate-free nuts and seeds, and prebiotic flours in day-to-day diet to achieve these results.
Parvaã focuses on hygiene and creating the highest quality environment, with access to good bacteria by virtue of greenery in their workspace. Parvaã also recycles and reuses extensively. They employ female staff from underprivileged sections of society, educated enough to work in the field of food and nutrition. Deeba’s Parvaa only sells B2C to avoid price differentiation and deterioration of quality.

Parvaã is growing at a very fast rate, with more and more health conscious individuals joining us on a daily basis. Parvaã intends to increase awareness about the importance of healthy food and educating the masses on the benefits of preventing various diseases, through campaigns conducted by Mrs. Deeba Arif. With her efforts, she hopes to bring probiotics and with it, good health to every household. Parvaã endeavours to have these superfoods - wheatgrass and bacteria-rich probiotics in every fridge. Mrs. Deeba Arif says that Parvaã aims to "Fight Cancer Before Cancer".