Probiotics - The Good Guys 😇 & The Bad Guys 👿

Probiotics - The Good Guys 😇 & The Bad Guys 👿



 After extensive readings of many scholarly articles and many researches of different researchers, I Started making my beautiful probiotics in 2015. When people are always complaining of digestive problems and bloating etc. , we hardly face any. 😊 “Renewlac” my first probiotic drink, would always be there in my refrigerator, but we never thought it would be doing so many wonders to our health……till one day when I decided to serve it to all those who came to our house. Started providing Renewlac to all the people working for us, like the colony guards, our driver and all the housekeeping people. All our guests would get to taste it too . They all felt nice, but our driver “Mathur dada” who would get to drink the most, would come back and ask for more . I gradually started providing him a bottle full of it to be consumed by the entire family, so that I could let them be regular with it and at the same time felt happy that he & his wife were observing a good digestive solution. His wife who was suffering from constipation had started getting blessed and the outflow of the no. of bottles increased. Thankfully🤲🏼 we could provide it to people who were so closely associated with us.

Once we moved to Delhi, I started the same again, provided it to my domestic help, neighbors and all my friends and guests. All would get their share as and when possible. Soon, started pouring in requests from many. Now, my beautiful probiotic vegan drink “Renewlac” has a special place in many refrigerators😊.

Let me introduce you to the “Good bacteria” or the “friendly bacteria” present in Renewlac. Trillions of friendly bacteria live inside our intestines and keep us healthy. By the 1970s it was researched n established that an average human body contains bacteria to human cell in the ratio of 10:1. Sadly by 2014 some scientists were questioning this fact, and now since 2019 scientific research says 10:1 is out of questions, ratio probably is 1:1 or in some cases 1.5:1🤔. Which means that the fact is that our bodies have gradually depleted in good bacteria constitution. Depletion in bacterial ratio is by far the worst hit to our system. We must increase their number. And mind you……. It’s very easy 😊. No medications, no vaccine and no worries , only a few months of guidance about food additions like probiotics, and life will be on track. Renewlac contains good bacteria taken up from the atmosphere, It develops anti fungal, anti viral, anti bacterial ( bad bacteria) and anti cancer properties. These good bacteria improve our digestion, thus cleaning the colon (that’s how our colon can absorb and assimilate many more nutrients from the food that we eat). There are many different types of good bacteria present in our body, but, they eventually get destroyed because of firstly - age, secondly - over use of antibiotics (which are not so sensible to kill only the bad bacteria), thirdly - alcohol and lastly - eating junk, packaged & refined foods. I feel, I have so much to talk about the good bacteria or these “Good guys” because they are so close to my 💓. I truly give most of the credit for our good health to these tiny wonderful creatures. The task that these good guys are best at, is keeping the overgrowth of the “harmful micro organisms” or the “bad guys” in control, thus keeping diseases away😊.

According to the researches “probiotic drinks” are enzyme rich and are cultured by the good bacteria native to us. Temperature and humidity is controlled to create an environment ideal for their growth. Along with being rich in enzymes it is also a very good source of vitamin B complex, vitamin C and vitamin E. Popularly, this health-enhancing potion is beneficial when consumed before meals on an empty stomach. It is said to contain Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus Bifidus and Aspergillus Oryzea along with other beneficial bacteria. It is a non-dairy living source of good health having the “good guy” in abundance. It should be considered as a digestive tonic rather than a beverage you would drink in larger quantities. 2-3 ounces at a time is sufficient. If you are new to drinking it, definitely start with a 2oz portion and build up over the time. Very simple to understand that if we have a weak digestive system, it is like throwing away all the food that you eat in a garbage bin.🤨 The body is neither absorbing vitamins and minerals, nor is it letting the toxins and digestive wastes go out of the body. The job of the probiotic drink is to clean the colon, maintain a good intestinal flora and provide good energy levels, which is otherwise lost in fighting infections created by the bad guys. Though our body naturally contains bacteria and enzymes, but we on our own gradually deplete our body of the beautiful tiny beings by not talking care of our diet. The bad guys make the gut unhealthy and this is linked to so many diseases like… . Alzheimer’s ; Behavioral disorders ; Allergies ; Autism ; Constipation ; Digestive issues/ Digestion ; Acidity/acid reflux ; Mood swings ; Depression ; Fat deposits ; Inflammation ; Low energy levels ; Skin eruptions ; Bad breath; These are just a few to name.

Why take Lactobacillus rich probiotic drinks?

1.The lactic acid produced by the Lactobacillus is successful in controlling recurrent bacterial infections.

2. Promising results in control and prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection.

3. Lactobacillus acidophilus produce niacin, folic acid and pyridoxine, that are a group of compounds collectively referred to as B vitamin. Scientist say, an environment taken care of by lactic acid helps in body’s own vitamin production.

4. By removing all the unwanted bacteria or the “Bad guys” you can work towards a cancer check.

5. Lactobacillus regulate the digestive system and boosts immunity.

6. By use of Lactobacillus that takes care of the body in so many ways , we are actually helping the body lose unwanted useless weight .

7. So no CONSTIPATION…… guaranteed.

8. So no loose stomach…… guaranteed .

9. Long term use helps improve cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

10. It is the travellers best friend. An Expat faces the contamination of foreign food and foreign bacteria. Consumption of Renewlac and other forms of Lactobacillus rich drinks should be initiated two weeks prior to travel, during the travel and a week till after the travel. This shall save so many wasteful hours.

11. Lactobacillus Bifidus inhibits the growth of bacterium H. pylori which is responsible for stomach ulcers.

12. Beauty of skin is enhanced by the endless work done by the good guy.

13. It’s regular consumption reduces irritable bowel syndrome.

14. It can help n treat vaginal infections.

15. It’s mild & therapeutic taste will also help reduce cold and flu symptoms.

I’m sure that my extensive research, on the good bacteria, along with experiences shared by fellow users and self benefit, will help you understand that probiotic drinks like Renewlac are a must for a healthy gut and for keeping diseases away from us .


Q1.What does Renewlac taste like?

Ans. Renewlac tastes like unsweetened and unsalted lemonade.

Q2. How much Renewlac should I consume everyday?

Ans. For those of you who consider themselves healthy and eat sensible must begin with 50ml twice a day for a week and then move up to 60 ml twice. After a week of use you may choose to increase but that depends on how much they eat and what results you are looking for. At least 5 days a week is a must to show results. For those suffering from stomach ulcers should begin with 70ml, move to 80ml in two days then 100ml in a week but consuming regularly for a month without break will show benefits.

Q3. For how many days should I consume Renewlac?

Ans. Fermented drinks and food are a long lost super healthy everyday food include and are gradually gaining back their value. They must be consumed on a daily basis and efforts of eating too much cooked food should be replaced with little cooked and some raw and some fermented too, all in moderation. .

Q4 Is Renewlac a medicine?

Ans. No, Renewlac is not a medicine. It is 100% natural, produced by fermenting sprouted grains with fresh drinking water, in controlled conditions.

Q5. When should a probiotic be consumed?

Ans. It is best to consume a probiotic half to one hour before a meal, when the stomach is empty. This is the time when the stomach does not have any acids in it. Drinking Renewlac on an empty stomach gives the good bacteria time and space to move around and do its job of kicking out the unwanted microorganisms out of the gut.

Q6. How to consume Renewlac?

Ans. During winter….Add same amount of warm water and consume. During summer….. Consume directly or add water.

Q7. Can Renewlac go bad?

Ans. Yes of course. If not kept in refrigeration, it can turn bad. Discard if it turns putrid.

God has made all good things for us, now it’s up to us whether we waste such beneficial resource or live an uninterrupted life.🙏🏻,

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