Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Let Food Be Thy Medicine

Good day Dear Readers! There is a clear understanding that all those who have reached my post and are reading it, are those who are already on a path of healing through food.

Our aim at Parvaã is to help people understand that no food is one for all. Ingredients might be same, but their ratio and proportion will vary for each individual. Every human body is different, so we all need a tailor-made diet. Parvaã wishes you the best of journey to understand yourself and your therapeutic food and move ahead in life with only one partner by your side, which is good health. Thomas Edison had a vision that doctors of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent diseases through nutrition. Food as the source of healing is what resonates with me too. Being able to eat and digest it…is the core of good health.

Food is a diverse and rich medical healing system; all you need to know is what is the right for you. So the principles of health are based on prevention and empowering people to be their own healer and in-charge of their own body.

The Western system of medication deals with the symptoms of a problem but treating those symptoms is the second last step on the pyramid, last being surgery. We have to aim at treating ourselves from level one if you are healthy and aware, then please take step 1, if you are unwell then please take a few steps backwards and reach step 1. To begin from step 1 you need to first eliminate few foods and few activities from your life, this will help eliminating toxins. A few days ago, I decided to quit that last 1/2 tsp of sugar, but I decided not to trouble myself if I would crave for sugar, I would instead use raw honey, which was all natural and purest source of sweetness, with nutrients, that too without the harmful sulfur. In order stay at the base of health pyramid, the important things to be kept in mind are, number one is food, then water, our air and very important our soil….. This is the concept of totality. keep in mind that our food needs to be fresh and organic. Easier said than done, we are social beings, and we cannot make such drastic changes in minutes. We have to start a journey to this route and start addressing to this problem one at a time. Grow your own, as much as you can, Make your own compost to support your fertilizing system, Buy your local produce from your local organic farmer, Eat the fruit and vegetable of the season that is produced locally. Invest your time, money and effort in the direction of nutrient dense, bioavailable food, without enzyme inhibitors such as phytates and without pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate. Reducing salt and sugar should be a step without confusion, followed by further reducing the sugars. Let us become unstoppable about our reach to the right food that is non GMO, non-toxic and bioavailable. Purchasing such food is the first line of defence from diseases, minimizing a lot of pesticides and herbicides like glyphosate is the second line of defence, and the third line of defence is making sure that your gut is well equipped to manage the load.

Q. How to do this?    Ans. We need to get our gut right by consuming our daily dose of probiotics. Food now a days is such that even if we do not consume antibiotics, we still consume antibiotics through our dairy consumption and other foods that have been artificially sprayed. This needs to be managed by creating a good environment at microbial level in our gut. It has been proved by researchers, that a gut with a healthy gut flora, is a body with good immunity.

Parvaã’s regular reminders will make you go through this process with ease and help you graduate with food correction and moving towards the foods that heal and not the foods that harm. Let thy food be thy medicine and not be the slowest poison.
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