Scrutiny ……. Eat food sensibly and save from Cancer

Scrutiny ……. Eat food sensibly and save from Cancer

Critical observation, examination , inspection or study…… whatever is required but it is time to understand that Cancer is a disease in which there is no control over abnormal and unhealthy cell multiplication. These cells multiply and spread to other parts of body through blood and Lymphatic  system. Take steps to PREVENT and SAVE yourself.

Cancers are of different types viz. Carcinoma, Sarcoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Multiple Myeloma & Cancer of Nervous System.

I’ll share an example of Carcinoma….Breast cancer.
It could be due to Genetic deformities or/and other prevailing Global conditions, but they all can be taken care off by Lifestyle changes.

Follow  these steps to Combat Breast Cancer

There is a direct relation between Smoking and Breast Cancer particularly in pre-menopausal women.

  • Obesity increases risk of Breast Cancer.
  • Higher consumption of Alcohol is directly proportional to Breast Cancer.
  • 150 minutes of moderate workout per week acts as a blessing in keeping Breast Cancer at bay.
  • Breast feed for a prescribed period plays a major role in Breast cancer prevention.
  • Hormonal therapy for 2-3 years increases the risk of the same.
  • Controlling menopausal symptoms by non-hormonal medication and family support could be the option.
  • Avoid unnecessary exposure to Radiations.(e.g. unnecessary mammography and Tomography)
  • Last but not the least………”Choose the right food.”

Grilled     Over     Barbecue

Fermented      Over      Pickled

Soaked Whole Grain     Over      Refined Flour

Cold pressed Oil       Over       Hydrogenated Oil

Fish       Over     Red Meat

Seeds & Nuts       Over       Fried Munches

Plant Based food        Over        Animal Products

Natural Sweeteners         Over         Artificial Sweeteners

Fibrous Diet        Over        Juices

Fresh Wheatgrass Juice          Over        Wheatgrass Powder

Banana Chips         Over        Potato Chips

Home Products        Over       Chemical Cosmetics

Farm Vegetables      Over        Genetically Modified Food (GMOs)

Fresh meat       Over       Processed

etc ………………

Picking between Strategy “X” and Strategy “Y” is important in LIFE, but what matters most is The Execution.  Both Strategies may be good, but if not executed in the right manner, it becomes a default.

If you choose Olive Oil over Vegetable Oil, butter or ghee for health benefits, but consume in large quantities then the Strategy to choose Olive Oil fails.


Choosing seeds and nuts but not pre-soaking them is incorrect execution. Soaking allows enzyme inhibitors to be flushed out thus letting the seed enter into the stage of sprouting and live functioning.


Choosing to consume Wheatgrass in your daily diet for health benefits, is the most nutrition sensible act in today’s life style, but, using wheatgrass in powder and liquid form that is lying on the shelf of Health Stores & Super Markets is another such example of a default Strategy.


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